Thursday, December 16, 2004

No title...

I found out just a while ago that a friend of mine is in critical condition in the hospital. I heard that it was liver cancer and it has since spread to her lungs. The doctors have stopped treatment and are just giving her drugs to ease the pain now. It's obvious where this is heading...

I don't know how to feel. In fact, I don't feel anything. Maybe it's because it's just news, like that which you read in the newspapers. Maybe it's just something heard in passing and sounds impossible to be true. Maybe I have to see her in person before it hits me.

She looked as happy and healthy the last time I saw her, a few months back. And then this is the first news I've heard about her. This is so sudden...

I wonder how her husband is doing and taking this. They're among the nicest people I know and are only a few years older then I.

I'm afraid of how I'll feel when it hits me. But I can't imagine what he's going through right now.

God bless you, Karen, Jason.


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