Tuesday, March 14, 2006


It started a week back. My mom had a migraine and went to the polyclinic for a checkup. She came back with medcation that proved ineffective, she still felt the pain after two days.

On Friday, she went to the nearby clinic, our regular doctor. She had a shot and came back with three types of medicine. It turned out that she was allergic to one of them and her face swelled by the end of Saturday and she couldn't speak. My mom seemed to be recovering though as she could get about, abet a little unsteadily. My father went to the clinic on Sunday morning and the nurse told him to stop the offending medication. The swelling subsequently went down and it seemed that she was on the road to recovery (she could speak again).

Early on Monday morning she was suddenly in great discomfort and while my father went to the nearby hospital to get their Ambulance service to bring her in, I stayed and watched over her. Her breathing was shallow and laboured and she couldn't speak again. She didn't even have the strength to pull the blanket off of herself. My father came back and told me that the Paramedics (a private Ambulance service) were coming. They came about 20 minutes later and took her to another hospital (something about the one nearby only taking registered patients (I don't know why just that I never liked that hospital after another incident - something totally unrelated - a few years ago)).

I went to work after that and when I got home my brother and father were asleep, I got a post-it note to her hospital ward and room number on my computer monitor.

This morning my father told me that she needed to have an operation and that three specialists would confer with us regarding the procedure at about noon. That even if the operation were successful she would likely go blind. We're not sure exactly what's wrong but it was something about pressure from fluid pushing against her brain. She's already hard of hearing so it'll be really rough on her.

We (mybrother, father and me) went to the hopspital this morning to see the doctors. We were joined by two of my uncles (one of my mother's brothers), an aunt (her sister) and two cousins (mom's sister's daughters), immediate family on my mothers side. The Catholic priest from our church came to pray for her too (our neighbour had called for him to come). According to my father, my mom was awake when the preist spoke to her though she couldn't respond (she still couldn't talk).

I left for work after I got to see her a little. She was already sleeping by then. I bidded my relatives goodbye and got to work, an hour late. I had already called ahead and told my boss that I would be late for work and why.

Now here I am, dreading a phonecall that may or may not come with news that I may or may not want to hear. I don't know how we're gonna get through things from now on either.